Spring Performance
Our spring performance is held in the beginning of May at the Summit Activities Center. This provides our dancers the opportunity to perform on a large stage for their friends and family. Each yearly performance is a different theme and allows dancers to showcase their talents through a beautiful production.
Summer Performance
Our summer performance is held towards the end of August. It is an outdoor production in the Riverside Amphitheater. The performance coincides with Riverboat Days and is so fun for everyone!
Company Dance
Our Company group is a wonderful opportunity for dancers who are looking to take their skills to the next level and perform specially choreography pieces at competitions. We are proud of the Company reputation we have built, and our groups start as young as Kindergarten.
Throughout the year, Academy of Dance students have the opportunity to participate in a range of various workshop opportunities.
Elisa Olson
We recently had the opportunity to host a workshop with Elisa Olson for grades kindergarten - 12th grade. Elisa currently teaches Ballet and Acro at the Colorado Ballet Society, and began dancing at the age of 6 at the Academy of Dance. As a young dancer, Elisa was cast in the lead roles of “Clara” and “Snow Crystal” and also performed many other parts in Yankton’s biennial Nutcracker Ballet. At age 18, Elisa moved to Syracuse, New York where she was accepted into the trainee program at “Light of the World Ballet.” Elisa was privileged to tour internationally with their full-time professional ballet company to Peru. After a year in New York, Elisa auditioned and was accepted into the trainee program at Ballet Magnificat! in Jackson, MS. Elisa was one of the first members of Ballet Magnificat’s Events Company and traveled the U. S., performing at large venues as a part of the national “Women of Faith” tour. With Ballet Magnificat!, Elisa was promoted to their professional Alpha Company where she held lead roles and toured all around the world teaching workshops. Elisa loves working with children and looks forward to teaching and sharing her passion for excellence in dance with her students out of the overflow of her love of God, which motivates all she does.

Community Involvement
We are proud of our community and what Yankton has to offer. Because of this, we feel it's important to link arms with various community events and activities.
Mazing Acres Pumpkin Patch
This fall we had the opportunity to participate in a friendly competition. Mazing Acres Pumpkin Patch hosted a Scarecrow Coin War in which various local businesses created their own scarecrow, and patrons were able to donate loose change to their favorite one. The total proceeds collected were to be donated to the non-profit group of the winning business's choice. Our scarecrow collected the most coins for St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, which has been a long-favorite non-profit of ours, and Mazing Acres graciously donated a contribution match. Collected proceeds totaled $624.91, for a grand total donation of $1,249.82!
Festival of Lights Parade
On December 3rd, we participated in the community's annual Festival of Lights Parade! The theme was Santa's Workshop and our Dance Team classes rode on and walked along the float, doing a hand routine. We were very excited to participate in this event again and help spread cheer!